About PPF

Flag of Europe
This project is funded
by the European Union
Support the Moldovan Government in identifying and preparing projects linked to the implementation of the Association Agreement
Contract No. ENI / 2020 / 417-516

'Project Preparation Facility - PPF'
Flag of Moldova

About PPF


The objective of the Project is to strengthen the capacity of the Moldovan national authorities to plan, prepare and manage public investment projects, both domestically and externally financed. Particular attention will be paid to capital projects that support the implementation of the EU-Moldova Association Agreement.

The main beneficiary is the Ministry of Finance. Assistance will be extended to selected line ministries and municipalities. The Project implementation period is 5 years – start date 1 September 2020. There are 4 Project components:

Component 1 – Strengthening national external assistance coordination system

This Component is about assisting the Government of Moldova (represented by the Ministry of Finance) improve the management and coordination of external assistance. Externally funded projects and programmes need to contribute effectively to the Moldovan development objectives, and to Moldova’s obligations to the EU and other international partners. A key area under Component 1 is about making sure that external assistance is embedded into the budget process i.e. the MTBF and Annual Budget preparation. Using country systems in the delivery and management of external assistance is the most appropriate way to ensure the sustainable development of national systems responsible for aid management and coordination. Improvement and enhancement of existing IT systems, and development of new ones, is foreseen where necessary to increase efficiency in aid management and public investment management.

Component 2 – Strengthen the capacity of the national authority for external assistance

The primary responsibility for managing external assistance rests with the Ministry of Finance as national coordinator. Under the second Component the Project will develop the capacities in the Ministry to ensure that proposed capital projects are linked to national and sectoral priorities, and that they are considered within the framework of a sound appraisal procedure. Capacity building efforts will be focussed on ensuring that projects are identified, appraised and formulated in a rational, systematic and technically sound way. This will include intensive customised and on-the-job trainings and workshops on project appraisal procedures, financial analysis and risk assessment, and costing. The Project will also assist the MoF to enhance technical knowledge of available financial instruments and alternative sources of financing for capital projects. Special attention will be paid in increasing awareness and knowledge of MoF personnel on the available options for financial instruments offered by development partners (the EU in particular) as well as what may be sourced from the Moldovan and international financial markets.

Component 3 – Enhancing the capacities of the line ministries in management and implementation of projects financed from external sources

Under the third Component the Project will reach out to selected line ministries (primarily those benefiting most from external assistance and managing big investment projects) in order to improve skills and capacities in identifying, designing and managing capital investment projects. Organisational reviews of capabilities on the cycle of management of public investment in the selected ministries will be carried out on the basis of PIMA 2019 analysis and recommendations. This will be followed by a series of capacity building interventions including and trainings in project appraisal, financial analysis and risk assessment and costing. Continued on-the-job assistance will be provided to these ministries in the identification, prioritisation, appraisal, costing and design of projects.

Component 4 – Enabling the preparation of a pipeline of high quality and financially viable projects

Under Component 4 the Project will assist in developing and undertaking standardised and systematic project feasibility studies required for the operation of a ‘Project Pipeline’. This process will adhere to good practice principles set by the PIMA framework and the analysis of the PIMA assessment conducted in Moldova at the end of 2019. At the same time, the Project will assist the MoF in the creation of a ‘Project Pipeline’ process on the basis of a public investment programme incorporated into the mainstream MTBF and Annual Budget process. Special attention will be paid to appraising sizeable capital project proposals that are linked to the EU- Moldova Association Agenda as part of the ‘Project Pipeline’.

Component 5 – Strengthening debt management through the development of the government securities market and enhancing options for financing of strategic public investments in Moldova

On 18 February 2022, the EU Delegation following a request made by the MoF approved Contact Addendum 1 to the PPF Project including debt management (New Component 5) as part of the PPF Project. Support will be provided to the MoF, and the Public Debt Directorate in particular, implement the Medium-Term Debt Strategy. The main focus will be on the development of the domestic market for Government Securities, both the primary and secondary markets. The PPF Project team with assist inter alia with measures to broaden and deepen the market, including the diversification of the investor base (identification of new institutional investors for Moldovan government securities) the improvement of communication with the domestic debt market participants, creating capacity to issue bonds in the international markets, introducing modern debt management instruments. An important aspect of the assistance will be to extend the maturity of the overall portfolio of Government Securities.


The PPF webpage was created and is maintained with the financial support of the European Union.

Its contents are the sole responsibility of the PPF Project and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.