Our team
Our Team
Our PPF Project team is composed of 4 Key Experts and core Non-Key Experts specialised in various critical themaic areas related to the Project.
- Maricela Ceresau, Administrative Manager
Maricela is an experienced officer in charge of the day-to-day administration of our Project. She assists the Project Team Leader in all administration functions and processes, and she is responsible for the facilitation of all project activities and events.
- Yiannis Hadziyiannakis, Team Leader
Yiannis has over 25 years of experience in public finance management and has contributed to the reform processes of PFM systems in many countries in Eastern Europe, Balkans, Central and South-East Asia, Africa and the Middle East. He has several years of experience in advising governments in developing countries and transition economies including Moldova. Yiannis has in-depth knowledge and practical experience in the design, implementation and evaluation of development assistance for the EU and other development partners. He also has large experience in leading and managing teams in complex assignments and challenging environments.
- Apostolos Papaphilippou, Economic Development Planning (Key Expert 2)
Apostolos is a macroeconomist who has over 25 years of experience in development assistance and in-depth knowledge of the economies in transition from the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. His experience includes the design of development programmes, linking socio-economic development objectives to budgetary allocations through available domestic and external financing sources. He is also specialised in providing technical assistance for the efficient development of the medium-term macroeconomic forecast underpinning the country’s policy-based resource allocation through the budget process. Apostolos has served as expert in several projects in Moldova providing policy advice and assisting the Government in designing and monitoring the national development programme.
- Gnel Sedrakyan, Public Investment (Key Expert 3)
Gnel is an experienced public finance management expert with 20 years of professional work in developing countries and countries in transition in Eastern Europe, Central and South-East Asia, Africa and the Middle East. His experience covers a broad range of public financial management systems, including medium-term and annual budget planning and public investment management. Gnel has vast range of experience in the regulatory as well as technical/methodological prerequisites for the submission, selection and financing of public investment projects. He also possesses in-depth understanding of contextualising development priorities of partner countries into resource and investment allocations.
- Rachel Mac Gowan, External Aid Management (Key Expert 4)
Rachel is highly experienced in development aid planning and management. She has over 20 years of professional experience in programming and implementation of Development Aid, with specific focus in Eastern Europe and Africa. She has in-depth understanding of the EU integration framework as well as the framework for managing overall external assistance. Rachel possesses a unique perspective, having followed closely the evolution of EU bilateral relations across the region over a 20-year period, making critical interventions at both policy and institutional levels. Rachel’s expertise also includes the development of national systems of aid coordination including monitoring and evaluation and reporting, and the reform/improvement of aid coordination mechanisms.
- Irina Grigoryan, Costing for Capital Investment Projects
Irina is an ACCA qualified accountant with over 15 years of experience as advisor to transitioning economies. Irina specialises in management accounting and financial accounting including expertise in the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS). She has extensive experience in working with the EU and the IMF Fiscal Affairs Department in missions in the Balkans, Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Irina’s area of expertise is in critical PFM systems such as budget planning and formulation and treasury management including cost accounting methods for government expenditure programmes.
- Mandeep Bains, Strategic Planning
Mandeep has 20 years of experience in advising governments and international organisations in designing and implementing complex strategies and programmes, from concept to impact. Mandeep has over 10 years of working experience in the EU institutions on EU member states, candidate countries and developing partners, including on economic reform and macroeconomic and development programme/project/assistance management. She also has 10 years of experience in working in the European Bank for Reconstructions & Development, which includes significant experience gained in the ‘blending approach’ as well as the use of official and private financing for economic development.
- Leonidas Crisciunas, IT Systems
Leonidas specialises in identification, formalisation (as-is assessment), optimisation (re-engineering) and automation of business processes of both public authorities and private companies, introduction of effective methods of service provision to population and businesses, simplification of operations, development of components of electronic government. He has over 15 years of hands-on experience in designing and implementing complex IT systems as well as software development for the Moldovan Government as well as other governments in South and Central Asia.
- Spyros Valatas, Private Sector Investment Financing
Spyros has over 25 year of experience in banking and financial markets. He has vast experience in advising central and municipal governments in the area of project financing as well as in debt management restructuring and financial engineering. Spyros has significant experience in Moldova having participated in two EU operational assessment mission for the preparation of Macro-Financial Assistance programmes and in advising the Public Debt Directorate of the Ministry of Finance.
- Constantinos Kyriakopoulos, Financial Analysis and Modelling
Constantinos has over 25 years of experience in banking and financial markets. He has served for than 10 years as head of capital markets in a leading Greek bank. He has also taken part in several technical assistance missions of the European Central Bank and the IMF Monetary and Capital Markets Department. His core expertise is in capital and securities markets as well as in large investment project financing. Constantinos area of expertise includes proprietary trading: bonds, swaps, CDS and index derivatives; managing diversified and complex derivatives portfolios; debt issuance (government, municipal and supranational debt); design and development of automated financial algorithms. He also has significant experience in advising the Public Debt Directorate of the Ministry of Finance of Moldova.
- Eugenia Busmachiu, Public Investment and Medium-Term Resource Allocation
Eugenia has more than 20 years’ experience in economics. She is also an Associate Professor in financial management at the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova. Eugenia has vast experience in the Moldova government systems and specialises public financial management reform planning, budget formulation and expenditure management, and public investment management. She has worked extensively in EU and WB funded development aid projects and has advised the Ministry of Finance of Moldova for several years.
- Daniela Cotorobai, Financial Analysis and Investment Project Appraisal
Daniela has 13 years of overall experience in financial analysis, evaluation and planning of investment projects, of which 7 years in the Moldovan banking sector. Other areas of her expertise include work in private companies and international projects in the trade and agriculture sectors, and most recently in public finance management. In particular, Daniela has worked extensively in investment planning for agricultural production units (production, post-harvest activities, marketing and export activities); developing internal procedures for planning, implementation and evaluation of investment projects for a private company; and analysis of investment financing from domestic and external sources for the Government of Moldova.
- Natalia Butnaru, Visibility and Communication
Natalia is specialised in the field of communication, awareness raising and public relations. She has several years of experience in design and implementation of visibility and communication plans for EU funded projects in Moldova. Natalia will be in charge of facilitating the communication and visibility actions that will disseminate the activities of the Projects to the wider public.
- Ivanov Roman, Tax and Customs Exemptions for Foreign Aid Programmes and Projects
Roman is a legal professional with over 12 years experience. He specialises in providing consulting services in the areas of banking and finance, financial regulation and regulatory law. Roman has vast experience in tax-related provisions relevant to the activity of state authorities and more specifically tax implications of the proposed legal regulations. Roman has worked extensively with the Moldovan central and local public authorities under contract with GIZ, World Bank, UNDP, USAID and other international donor organisations.
- Antonia Loncar, Communication Management Expert
Antonia is a communication professional with more than 10 years of experience. Specialized in content creation and storytelling, EU affairs and project management, her work includes private and public sector, NGOs, European Commission and the UN. She also coaches for the start-ups in the field of media and technology helping them become market ready. In her previous work, she has worked closely with the Member States and Eastern Partnership countries in management of the EU project on education and has helped create, set up and manage the communications of the EU Programmes on Intellectual Property in Latin America, ASEAN and China.
The PPF webpage was created and is maintained with the financial support of the European Union.
Its contents are the sole responsibility of the PPF Project and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.