International Collaboration


International Collaboration

The Ministry of Finance is responsible for the coordination of bilateral and multilateral cooperation in the area of public finance. This involves the establishment and maintenance of professional relations with similar institutions with the European Union and other countries, as well as relations with International Financial Institutions.

Bilateral collaboration

Bilateral collaboration involves creation of a collaborative legal environment between two Contracting Parties, through international treaties and agreements.

Thus, the Ministry of Finance prepares and submits proposals for the initiation of bilateral co-operation agreements in the field of public finance with similar institutions of other countries.

  1. Agreement between the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Cooperation in the Field of Public Finance
  2. The Memorandum of Cooperation between the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova and the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic.
  3. The Agreement between the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova and the Ministry of Public Finance of Romania on cooperation in the field of public finance.
  4. The Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova and the Ministry of Finance of the Kingdom of the Netherlands on technical cooperation.
Multilateral collaboration

The multilateral collaboration involves the creation of a legal environment for the collaboration between three or more institutions (states) through international treaties.

In this context, the Ministry of Finance has joined the Centre of Excellence in Finance of Slovenia, which is a regional centre providing exchange of experience and attracting regional and international experts. At the same time, it contributes to capacity development and technical assistance in the area of Public Finance Management. Furthermore, it aims at strengthening the existing legal framework of the member states and has a positive impact on boosting multilateral relations in various areas and taking over the experience to adjust the Public Finance Management of the Republic of Moldova to the international requirements. 


Technical assistance

The Ministry of Finance continuously benefits from technical assistance provided by various donors and development partners. This has a positive impact on the implementation of the reforms and the introduction of good international practices in the area of Public Financial Management.

Currently, the Ministry of Finance benefits from technical assistance from the EU-funded Project to Improve Public Finance Policy and Public Financial Management of Moldova.

International organisations

The Republic of Moldova has established relations with various international organisations, such as the European Commission, IMF, World Bank, EBRD, UNDP, etc. Moldova is committed to fulfilment of its financial obligations in a timely and efficient manner. This guarantees a positive image of the country vis-à-vis its development partners.

Moldova’s financial obligations towards bilateral and multilateral creditors are planned annually in the State Budget Law under the headings General Purpose Government Service (01), External Cooperation (0604).

The list of recipients to whom the payments are made, are reflected in Annexes 2 and 3 to the Government Decision no. 454 of March 24, 2008. This Government Decision regulates the process of engagement of central public authorities into financial and other relations with the international financial organisations.

The distribution of the amount allocated in the State Budget for membership contributions and debt payoffs to the international and regional bodies is made each year by the Government of the Republic of Moldova by issuing a Government Decision in that regard. This distribution is made on the basis of the stringent disbursement criteria and arrears restructuring schedules, in accordance with the requests and proposals of the relevant institutions