

In accordance with the Regulation on employment in the civil service, approved by Government Decision no. 201 of 11 March 2009, the Ministry of Finance announces competitions for the following civil service vacancies:


List of civil service vacancies

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The main requirements for participation in the competition

The person fulfilling the following conditions may apply for a vacant public service position:

  • moldovan citizenship;
  • has full exercise capacity;
  • has not reached the age to qualify for old-age pension;
  • in the last 5 years, he/she has not been dismissed from public office or has not terminated his/her individual employment contract for disciplinary reasons;
  • has no criminal record for offenses committed intentionally;
  • is not deprived of the right to occupy certain positions or to exercise a particular activity, as a basic or complementary punishment, as a result of final Court decision;
  • is proficient in the state language;
  • meets the specific requirements for the position;
  • additional information.
Necessary documents

Interested persons are required to submit the necessary documents personally/by mail/e-mail, which include:

  • the application form;
  • copy of ID;
  • copy of the diploma certificate and transcript (candidates holding educational documents issued by accredited institutions of other countries are required to submit the Certificate of Recognition and Equivalence issued by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova);
  • copies of graduation certificates of professional and/or specialisation courses;
  • copy of the employment record;
  • military service records – for recruits and reservists;
  • the criminal record (the criminal record may be replaced by affidavit);
  • the agreement on the processing of personal data.


Deadline for submission 

Mailing address: mun. Chisinau, 7, Constantin Tanase Str., office no. 114.

Contact person: Natalia Aparatu, Principal Consultant, Human Resources Section

Contact phone: 022 26 27 78


NOTE: Copies of the necessary documents can be authenticated by the notary or submitted with the original documents for verification of their authenticity. If the file is submitted by post or e-mail, this provision shall apply until the date of the written test of the competition.



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