
General Secretaries and Secretaries of State, trained in a seminar on internal managerial control system and internal audit

Thu, 19/07/2018 - 13:40 |

The General Secretaries and State Secretaries of the central public authorities from the country were trained in a workshop entitled "Effective use of budgetary resources requires an effective internal control system" organized by the Ministry of Finance with the support of the Twinning project for the development of an efficient internal control and internal audit environment in the Republic of Moldova. The seminar was presented by Jens Motel, Project Leader and Mioara Diaconescu, Junior Project Leader.

Minister of Finance, Octavian Armasu, mentioned at the event how important is the public internal financial control and internal audit in public sector institutions.

“Expectations from us, those who run institutions, are very high. We need to have the best possible compliance, to prove that we manage our public money efficiently and that we are effective in our work, and here the internal audit comes to help you a lot",  said the minister.

The workshop was organized to address the challenges faced by senior management within ministries in implementing internal managerial control and internal audit systems and their development prospects.

In this respect, Mioara Diaconescu presented Romania's experience in the functioning of internal managerial control systems, and Jens Motel spoke about the role of top management in the internal control system.

The training session was interactive, the participants showed interest in the topics they approached, asked questions related to them, but also discussed some aspects.

The Twinning Project "Support to development of an effective internal control and audit environment in public sector in Moldova" was launched on 28 November 2018. The beneficiary of the project is the Ministry of Finance. The project is implemented by German and Romanian experts with EU financial support and aims to strengthen public finance management, especially public financial management and control in our country, in line with internationally recognized standards and best European practices.