

The Mandatory Health Insurance Fund

The Central Public Health Authority elaborates the policy on the mandatory health insurance and presents forecasts of the Mandatory Health Insurance Fund (MHIF) to the Ministry of Finance, as well as other information required to develop the Medium-Term Budget Framework. It promotes the draft MHIF law, monitors and analyses the execution of the MHIF, monitors performance across programmes and carries out all the other duties provided for by the legislation in force.

The State Budget

The state budget represents the totality of revenues, expenditures and sources of financing intended for the performance of the functions of the central public authorities, except for the functions of the public social insurance system and the compulsory health insurance system, as well as for establishing relations with other budgets. The state budget is administered by the Ministry of Finance.

Decision-making instruments and mechanisms within the MTBF

The preparation of the MTBF is a participatory process and requires appropriate decision-making tools and mechanisms, as well as effective cooperation between public authorities within the Government.

The Inter-Ministerial Committee for Strategic Planning

The Inter-Ministerial Committee for Strategic Planning is a functional body of overall responsibility, established to coordinate the strategic planning process conducted by the Government.

What is Budget?

The budget represent the estimate revenue and expenditure for a certain period of time, usually one year. The Government draws up the budget proposal and submits it to Parliament for approval. Following approval, the budget becomes law, the implementation of which is mandatory, as well as any other law of the country.

The budget has five important features:


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