
A fresh start for the Aid Management Platform (AMP) in Moldova: the Ministry of Finance holds a practical workshop on the upgraded AMP

Fri, 28/01/2022 - 16:33 |

The Ministry of Finance (MoF) together with the EU funded-Project Preparation Facility (PPF) Technical Assistance Project organised an online workshop on 27 January to present the upgraded version of the Aid Management Platform (AMP) to Moldova’s Development Partners (DP). The workshop was conducted on the 8th anniversary of the AMP’s launch.

The AMP is an Aid Information Management System (AIMS) developed as an open-source system in the form of a web-based application and database, by the US-based Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) Development Gateways Inc. AMP is used in more than 25 countries.

The AMP was introduced in the Republic of Moldova in 2012 with UNDP support and went live on 27 January 2014. It is used for collecting, accessing, monitoring and reporting on external assistance. The AMP is a valuable tool both for the Government and the DP community to better understand the overall amounts of external assistance being provided and to improve allocation, planning and aid harmonisation. In 2019 it was transferred to the MoF. At the same time, the responsibility for maintaining the system was transferred to the Centre for Information Technologies in Finance.

Over the course of 2021 the MoF, with the support of the PPF Project, upgraded the AMP to the latest release available and worked on improving usability and functionality. In undertaking the upgrade of the system, the PPF Project team enjoyed the full support of Development Gateways Inc.

During the workshop the development partners were informed about the new functionalities and enhanced features of the upgraded AMP, and were invited to log-in and use features of a test version of the upgraded system to get a better understanding of the improvements. 

The Head of the External Assistance Directorate, Ms Iulia Ciumac, informed participants that the MoF is committed to moving the upgraded AMP to pilot version phase and thereafter to full-scale rollout (replacing the old AMP version). The PPF Project will provide support to general users on data entry and analytics tools, on training of trainers, and to administrators on system management and configuration.