On the 27th of May, 2019 the Financing and Project Agreement between the German Bank Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW), the Republic of Moldova (represented by the Ministry of Finance) and the Center Regional Development Agency (ADR Center as per its abbreviation in Romanian) regarding the implementation of the project „Water supply and sanitation in the Centre of Moldova” has been signed.
The agreement provides a financial contribution from the Federal Republic of Germany through KfW in the amount of 15 million EUR grant money to be used for the extension of the Chişinău-Străşeni-Călăraşi magistral aqueduct. The project will be implemented with the support of ADR Center. The disbursement deadline for grant resources is 30.10.2025.
The above-mentioned Agreement was concluded on the basis of the Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on financial collaboration for 2013 concluded on 27th August, 2017 and 4th August, 2017 in Chisinau and the Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on financial collaboration for 2014 concluded on 27th August, 2017 and 4th August, 2017 in Chisinau.
At the same time, it is worth mentioning that a similar Financing and Project Agreement in the amount of 23.5 million EUR grant for the implementation of the project „Water Supply and Sanitation in the Cahul Rayon” was signed on 1st of August, 2018 between the KfW, the Republic of Moldova (represented by the Ministry of Finance) and Cahul Municipality.