Impozite și Taxe



Advisory Council in Customs and Taxation

The Advisory Council in Customs and Taxation is set up as an advisory body in the field of taxes and fees, for addressing issues of major concern, examining the relevant draft normative acts, the institutional development priorities, as well as the coordination of external assistance provided to the Ministry of Finance and subordinate institutions, aimed at creating an effective platform for interaction between tax and customs experts from the public and private sectors to make recommendations on situations with a major impact on the business environment.

Taxes and Duties

The tax system of the Republic of Moldova represents the total amount of taxes and duties, the principles, forms and methods for their establishment, modification and cancellation, provided by the Tax Code, as well as all the measures that ensure their payment.

Tax is an amount of money paid to the government that is based on income or the cost of goods or services bought as a compulsory contribution to state revenue levied by the government.

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