
Press invitation

Wed, 11/09/2019 - 19:36 |

The Ministry of Finance invites media representatives to the closing event of the EU Twinning Project "Support to development of an effective internal control and audit environment in the public sector in Moldova".

The project implemented by the Ministry of Finance, with the support of the German and Romanian administrations, was launched two years ago, with the financial support of the European Union.

The event will take place on Thursday, September 12, starting at 13:00 hours. In addition to summaries, development perspectives in the field of public internal financial control will be discussed. Mrs. Natalia Gavrilița, Minister of Finance, H.E. Excellency Ambassador Peter Michalko, Head of EU Delegation in the Republic of Moldova, the Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova Mr. Peter Michalko, representatives of diplomatic missions of the EU Member States participating in the Project, representatives of German and Romanian administrations, as well as experts in the area will take part at the event.

Location of the event: SUMMIT Events and Conference Center, Barcelona Hall, 49/3. Tighina St., Chisinau

Registration of participants: 12.30 - 13.00.

Duration of the event: 2h 30min