National Public-Sector Accounting Standards (NPSAS)


National Public-Sector Accounting Standards (NPSAS)

The Treasury is in the process of reforming the accounting and financial reporting system in the public sector. The objective of the reform is to develop national public-sector accounting standards (NPSAS) in line with International Public-Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) and introduce them at central and local government levels.

In order to implement the reform, the Ministry of Finance established, by Order No. 202 of December 17, 2015, a Council for Public Sector Accounting Standards – an advisory body for the development of NPSAS, aligned with IPSAS, as well as for the drafting/amending of the relevant normative acts.

The concept for the development and introduction of NPSAS was approved by Order of the Minister of Finance No.159 of December 27, 2016. It includes a 2017-2022 action plan for accounting and reporting reform.

NPSAS will be designed in compliance with IPSAS taking into account the specific characteristics of the Moldovan Government operations.