
German-Moldovan Government Negotiations on Development Cooperation held in Chişinău

Tue, 04/07/2023 - 08:05 |

On July 3rd, delegations of the German and the Moldovan government met in Chişinău to discuss their development cooperation and agree on the joint way forward. The German delegation was led by the Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Niels Annen, the Moldovan delegation by the State Secretary at the Ministry of Finance, Ion Gumene. 

During the negotiations, Germany assured Moldova of its support in improving economic perspectives for Moldovans at home and in implementing reforms towards the country’s EU accession. The German and Moldovan governments agreed on the priorities of their cooperation, which include investment promotion, energy, local development and good governance. 

Today, Germany committed additional 45 million Euro for the years 2023/24. 

Key areas of additional support centre on the implementation of the Public Administration and Public Financial Management reforms, representing important priorities for initiating Moldova’s EU accession negotiations, improved access to finance for small and medium enterprises, as well as the employability of young people, especially women. Also, the governments jointly strive to increase Moldova’s energy security and climate-friendliness via more energy efficiency and an increased share of renewable energy.

The German head of delegation, Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development Niels Annen stated: “Moldova still feels the consequences of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. Yet, the people and the government of Moldova have shown that they can integrate refugees and overcome the energy crisis. It is now important to implement the reforms that are the conditions for beginning EU accession negotiations, particularly in the fields of public administration and the fight against corruption. Additionally, enterprises need reliable investment conditions and young people need livelihoods, to build their future at home. In these endeavours, Moldova can rely on the support of German cooperation”.

Moldova’s head of delegation, State Secretary to the Ministry of Finance Ion Gumene, said: “Germany is among the main partner of our country and a hopeful supporter of the Republic of Moldova. We really appreciate Germany’s flexibility and openness. A good cooperation, based on respect, support and communication, will bring bilateral relations to a high level and generate effective results for both sides and the negotiations launched today represent a good platform for strengthening cooperation for development. I am sure that the proposals from both sides will contribute to strengthening and deepening bilateral trade and economic cooperation, communication between the sides, strengthening cooperation mechanisms and identifying measure investment projects of mutual interest”.

This year, Germany and Moldova celebrate the 30th anniversary of their development cooperation. Over the years 1993-2022, Germany committed a total 281.9 million Euro.