Contabilitate și Audit



List of continuous professional training organisations

According to the national legislation in force, the auditors are obliged to carry out continuous professional training courses annually in order to remain informed of legislative amendments and supplements and the professional performance methodologies. Seminars, lectures, etc., are carried out in order to train and develop the skills necessary for the performance of audit activities.

Certification Commission

The purpose of auditors’ certification is to examine the professional capacity and practical experience of persons applying for audit professional practice.

The Qualification Examination is organised by the Ministry of Finance and carried out by the Certification Commission of the Ministry of Finance.

The members of the Commission are highly qualified specialists from the Ministry of Finance and other central public administration specialised bodies and relevant academia representatives.

Accounting and Financial Reporting Board

The Council is an advisory body for examining draft accounting regulatory acts, including draft standards, the general chart of accounts, rules, instructions, methodological guidelines, rules and comments, accounting and financial reporting issues, in order to train qualified specialists within research institutions, higher education institutions, ministries, other central administrative authorities, as well as private entities.

Accounting and Audit

One of the core functions of the Ministry of Finance is the regulation of accounting and audit in the corporate sector. Thus, the Ministry of Finance is responsible for policy development in these areas, in order to establish a legal framework of single requirements of the accounting and financial reporting regulation mechanism, of the legal framework for the performance of audit work by audit firms and auditors performing activities as individual entrepreneurs and of regulations related to the performance of audit activities.

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