
Pilot Session on Aid Management Platform brings transparency in aid management in Moldova one step further

Thu, 01/12/2022 - 17:36 |

Together with the Ministry of Finance External Assistance Department (EAD) the EU Technical Assistance Project Preparation Facility (PPF) hosted a pilot session about new and improved features of the new and upgraded Aid Management Platform (AMP). The event gathered ten representatives from the Development Partners including Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Czech Development Agency, Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation, Swiss Agency for International Development Cooperation, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), UN Population Fund and the EU Delegation to Moldova. During the session the invited participants had the opportunity to get familiar with the new functionalities, provide feedback and the see first-hand the new improved performance. 

Originally developed by international NGO Development Gateways, the AMP is a public portal of the Government of Moldova; it is a tool for tacking the aid flows throughout the country. Since the PPF Project kick-off the team has been working on updating the AMP functionalities and improving user accessibility. The new AMP will facilitate the work of the Development Partners who, as main platform contributors, are responsible to regularly input data and ensure the information displayed is always up to date. 

In his opening speech, the State Secretary from the Ministry of Finance Ion Gumene highlighted the importance of the AMP as the main government tool showcasing the volume and the significance of foreign development assistance in Moldova. PPF Project IT expert Leonidas Crisciunas demonstrated first-hand to the participants the new features in comparison to the old version while PPF Project External Assistance expert Rachel Mac Gowan stressed the importance of displaying accurate information on AMP through regular updates of the platform.  

Feedback from the session will be reflected on the platform before the go-live and launch of public portal of the new AMP which is scheduled to take place shortly.