
Representatives of the top management of ministries and General Secretariat of the Government attended the workshop in the area of Public Internal Financial Control

Tue, 10/09/2019 - 14:33 |

Representatives of top management of Ministries and General Secretariat of the Government attended a workshop related to the „Challenges and Solutions in implementing and developing an effective Internal Managerial Control System”, on September 3, 2019. The event was organized by the Ministry of Finance with the support of the EU Twinning Project “Support to development of an effective internal control and audit environment in public sector of the Republic of Moldova”.

The objective was to awareness raising at the level of top management of public entities on the role of Public Internal Financial Control (PIFC) in achieving the objectives of the public entities, proper management of the resources and the effective, efficient and economical performance of their activities.

At the beginning of the event, Mrs. Natalia Gavrilița, the Minister of Finance emphasized the need for developing efficient internal managerial control and internal audit systems in the public sector, to ensure the management of public funds in accordance with the good governance principles.

As well as, Mrs. Nataša Prah (Slovenia) and Mr. Kaur Siruli (Estonia) the experts from the administrations of EU Member States presented the PIFC pillars, their role, providing examples from the MS experiences.

The participation of several ministers, Secretary General of the Government, State Secretaries and other representatives of management of the ministries of the Republic of Moldova is meant to ensure the needed tone-at-the-top in establishing an effective internal control system at the level of each public entity, as well as a functionally independent internal audit.

It has to be mentioned that the Central Harmonization Unit within the Ministry of Finance is ensuring the centralized coordination and harmonization in this field .

The Twinning project “Support to development of an effective internal control and audit environment in the public sector in the Republic of Moldova” started in September 2017. The beneficiary of the project is the Ministry of Finance. The project is implemented by the German and Romanian administrations with the EU financial support. The project purpose is to strengthen the public finance management, mainly the public financial management and control in our country, in accordance with internationally recognized standards and best European practices.